Hartmann, Jutta M. (2016) The Syntax and Focus Structure of Specificational Copular Clauses and Clefts. University of Tübingen. (eingereicht am 1. Juli 2015)
PhD Thesis
Hartmann, Jutta M. (2008) Expletives in Existentials: English there and German da. (LOT Dissertation Series 181). Utrecht: LOT. Link
Editorial Work
Hartmann, J. M., J. Radó & S. Winkler (2013) Information Structure Triggers. Special Issue of Lingua Vol. 136.
Hartmann, Jutta, Veronika Hegedüs & Henk van Riemsdijk (2008) Sounds of Silence: Empty Elements in Syntax and Phonology. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Hartmann, Jutta M. and Laszlo Molnarfi (2006) Comparative Studies in Germanic Syntax: From Afrikaans to Zurich German [Linguistik Aktuell/ Linguistics Today 97]. Amsterdam, Benjamins.
Articles / Book Chapters
Hartmann, J.M. (accepted) Focus and Prosody in Nominal Copula Clauses. In S. Featherston, R. Hörnig, S. von Wietersheim, S. Winkler Information Structure and Semantic Processing. De Gruyter (Linguistische Arbeiten)
Hartmann, J.M. & C. Heycock (accepted) Variation in copular agreement in Insular Scandinavian. In H. Thráinsson, C. Heycock, Z. Svabo Hansen, H. Petersen, (Hrsg.). Syntactic Variation in Insular Scandinavian. Studies in Germanic Linguistics, John Benjamins.
Hartmann, J. M. & C. Heycock (2016) Evading agreement: A new perspective on low nominative agreement in Icelandic. In Christopher Hammerly & Brandon Prickett NELS 46: Proceedings of the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (Volume 2). Amherst, GLSA: 67-80.
Hartmann, Jutta M., Andreas Konietzko & Martin Salzmann (2016). On the limits of non-parallelism in ATB-movement. Experimental evidence for strict syntactic identity. In S. Featherston & Y. Versley (eds.) Firm Foundations: Quantitative Studies of Sentence Grammar and Grammatical Change in Germanic. Mouton de Gruyter, 51-83.
Hartmann, Jutta M. and Natasa Milicevic (2015) Pseudoclefts in Serbian. G. Zybatow, P. Biskup, M. Guhl, C. Hurtig, O. Mueller-Reichau & M. Yastrebova (Hg.): Slavic Grammar from a Formal Perspective. The 10th Anniversary FDSL Conference, Leipzig 2013. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Schmeh, K., Culicover, P., Hartmann, J., Winkler, S. (2015) Discourse Function Ambiguity of Fragments: A Linguistic Puzzle. In S. Winkler (ed.) Ambiguität / Ambiguity. Berlin: de Gruyter, 201-218.
Hartmann, Jutta M. (2013) Freezing in it-clefts. Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 487-496
Hartmann, Jutta M. (2013) Apparent exceptions to the Definiteness Effect in English. Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics XV, no. 2, 5-25.
Hartmann, J. M. & S. Winkler (2013) Investigating the role of information structure triggers. Introduction. Lingua 136 [Special Issue on Information Structure Triggers], 1-15.
Hartmann, Jutta M., Veronika Hegedüs & Balázs Surányi (2013). Pseudoclefts in Hungarian. In J. Brandtler, V. Molnár & C. Platzack (eds.) Approaches to Hungarian. Volume 13: Papers from the 2011 Lund conference, pp. 67-97. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Holler, Sara & Jutta M. Hartmann (2012) Locative inversion in English: Implications of a rating study. In S. Featherston & B. Stolterfoht (eds.) Empirical Approaches to Linguistic Theory. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 241-265.
Hartmann, Jutta M. (2011) Predicate inversion and English there-sentences. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 58(3), 221-240. Link
Hartmann, Jutta M. (2010) The predicate nominal analysis of English there-sentences. Bucharest Working Papers in Linguisics (ed. Alexandra Cornilescu), 5-18. .pdf (prefinal version)
Gergel, Remus & Jutta M. Hartmann (2009) Experiencers with (Un)willingness: A Raising Analysis of German 'Wollen'. In Advances in Comparative Germanic Syntax. ed. by Artemis Alexiadou, Jorge Hankamer, Thomas McFadden, Justin Nuger and Florian Schäfer. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 327–356..pdf (prefinal version)
Hartmann, Jutta M. and Natasa Milicevic (2009) Case Alternations in Serbian Existentials. In Studies in Formal Slavic Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics and Information Structure. Proceedings of FDSL 7, Leipzig 2007 (= Linguistik International; 21), ed. by Zybatow, Gerhild; Junghanns, Uwe; Lenertova, Denisa; Biskup, Petr. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 131-142. .pdf (prefinal version)
Hartmann, Jutta M. and Natasa Milicevic (2008) The Syntax of Existential sentences in Serbian. In Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics #16: The Stony Brook Meeting 2007. Ed. by Andrei Antonenko, John F. Bailyn, and Christina Y. Bethin. Ann Arbor, Michigan Slavic Publications, 168-184. .pdf (prefinal version)
Hartmann, Jutta M., Veronika Hegedüs & Henk van Riemsdijk (2008) Introduction. In J. M. Hartmann, V. Hegedüs & H. van Riemsdijk (eds.) Sounds of Silence: Empty Elements in Syntax and Phonology. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1-20.
Hartmann, Jutta M. (2006) Well, there's the list reading. In UiL OTS Working Papers in Linguistics, ed. by Jakub Dotlacil & Berit Gehrke. Utrecht Institute of Linguisitcs, 1-15. .pdf
Hartmann, Jutta M. & Laszlo Molnarfi (2006) From Afrikaans to Zurich German: Comparative Studies in Germanic Syntax. [Introduction]. In Comparative Studies in Germanic Syntax: From Afrikaans to Zurich German. Ed. by Jutta M. Hartmann & Laszlo Molnarfi. Amsterdam, Benjamins, 1-9.
Hartmann, Jutta M. (2005a) Why there is(n’t) wh-movement in there-constructions. In Linguistics in the Netherlands 2005. Ed. by Jenny Doetjes and Jeroen van de Weijer. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 87-98. .pdf (Prefinal version)
Hartmann, Jutta M. (2005b) Wh-movement and the Small Clause Analyses of the English there-construction. Leiden Working Papers in Linguistics 2.3, 93-106.
Hartmann, Jutta M. (2005c) There’s that: unifying existential and list readings. In: H. Broekhuis, N. Corver, R. Huybregts, U. Kleinhenz, & J. Koster (Eds.) Organizing Grammar: Linguistic Studies in Honor of Henk van Riemsdijk . Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 186-196.
Other publications
Hartmann, J. M.; Sauter, C.; Schole, G.; Wagner, W.; Gietz, P.; Winkler, S. (2016) TInCAP – ein interdisziplinäres Korpus zu Ambiguitätsphänomenen. Konferenzabstract, DHd 2016, Leipzig.
Hartmann, Jutta (2003) Levels of Representation in Syntactic Theory: Investigating D-structure from a Derivational and a Representational Perspective. Tübingen-Report Nr. 4. Tübingen: Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft.